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Wife back to work, at what cost?

I came across this question a couple of time, can we survive today’s life with just the husband works, while the wife stays at home, focusing on the kids.

Since my wife is contemplating to go back to working fulltime, I tried to calculate the cost involved.

This calculation is purely based on my case, with some adjustment, and not including the cost of renting a new house closer to my wife place of work, and the cost of relocation should it need be.

The question is how much the wife will have to earn in order to get the real additional income? (Salary-additional expense=additional income)

That does not include the intangible cost of lost of attention to the kids, missing their growing up experience, loss of intimacy due to fatigue etc.

Do my wife really need to work?

rough estimate

rough estimate

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Categories: Money Matters, Parenting
  1. October 21, 2010 at 11:27 pm

    That’s right bro. Ada perkara yg tak dapat dibeli dgn wang…

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